Gaia challenge

The Only worldwide Competition dedicated to Natural Wines

Registration Open / 2025 Edition Early Bird Offer

Because natural wine does not necessarily guarantee the taste quality of a wine, but is already a very good sign, we have decided to create the Gaia Challenge which gives medals exclusively to natural wines (see rules).

This is the only competition based exclusively on natural wines.

Our goal is to promote the work and environmental values of producers to consumers and professionals.

Winning wines receive medals ranging from “Gold, Silver, Bronze”.


Through its medals, Gaia Challenge values and promotes the quality of natural wines and the work of producers.

Each wine undergoes a blind tasting, followed by a quality evaluation and scoring to determine the awarding of medals.

The jury consists of a panel of professionals, international experts and amateurs selected for their skills, professionalism and technical ability to evaluate the quality of the wines.

Before being awarded, a wine will be tasted by a minimum of 4 jurors.

The list of wines receiving a Silver and Gold medal will be presented on the Gaia Challenge website and sent to more than 30,000 professionals in North America and Europe: Importers, Distributors, Resellers.

Blind tasting evaluation

Each wine undergoes a blind tasting, followed by a quality evaluation and scoring to determine the awarding of medals.

Professional Jury

The jury consists of a panel of professionals, international experts and amateurs selected for their skills, professionalism and technical ability to evaluate the quality of the wines and spirits.

Awarded Wines

Before being awarded a natural wine will be tasted by a minimum of 4 jurors.

Awarded Wines

Before being awarded a natural wine will be tasted by a minimum of 4 jurors.

Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals

The list of wines receiving a Silver and Gold medal will be presented on the Gaia Challenge website and sent to more than 30,000 professionals in North America and Europe: Importers, Distributors, Resellers.

Registration Steps:

On results day, each participant will receive the items below:

Press release

Press releases were published on major online wine media outlets and promoted to over 30,000 professionals in the wine industry worldwide.